
In 2005, Gangnam Severance Hospital established the first specialized hospital in the spine.
With establishment of Gangnam Severance Hospital in 1983, the Backache Clinic was established to provide professional treatment and management through cooperation between the Neurology, Rehabilitation Medicine and Orthopedic Departments, and the Spine Center was opened in 1991.
The Spine Hospital is an advanced medical institution in which not only disc problems with backache but also all spinal diseases including paralysis by damaged spine, spondyloarthritis and scoliosis have been treated through cooperation between the Neurology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Orthopedic, Urology and Radiology Departments, while physical, psychological and social aspects have been comprehensively treated and managed by a team consisting of specialists, spine specialty nurse, clinical psychologist, clinical social worker, music therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist and volunteers, since it was established 8 Sep 2005.
In addition, the Spine Hospital has carried out continuous research on spinal and muscular disease at its Spinal Nerve Research Institute and Muscular Rehabilitation Research Institute; conducted spinal disease and respiratory rehabilitation education for spine-specialized doctors and nurses for the past 20 years; and offered more than 550 free spine classes for non-professionals at its Backache and Arthritis Schools established in 1986, in which patients and their families, and non-professionals can participate, in order to help them enjoy a quality life.
With the goal of taking a leap forward as an international spine hospital, the Spine hospital promises to continue its dedication to the prevention, treatment and research of spine disease, and develop itself as a patient-centered medical institution.
Thank you.
Director of Gangnam Severance Spine Hospital,
Yonsei University Health System